Making a Request for Food
from the Emerency Food Service

Requests for food must come from local clergy or social workers at recognized agencies
who have met with the individual or family in need of emergency assistance. The pastor, case worker or representative should telephone the request to the Queens Federation of Churches (718-847-6764) during normal office hours.

The following information must be provided at the time of the call:

    • Name of the Head of Household

    • Address (including apt. number)

    • Telephone

    • Number of Persons in the Household

    • Ages of all children

    • Special Dietary Needs (if any)

    • Sources of Income for the Household

    • Reason(s) for the Emergency Need

Requests cannot be taken directly from individuals or families. They will be referred back to the agency or church which sent them, or to the Food and Hunger Hotline.

Food Pick-up . . .

Volunteer workers at the Federation's Pantry will select food — nutritionally balanced for three meals per day — according to the needs and size of the family being served. A four-day supply of food is provided, depending on available resources.

At the time the request is made, a specific appointment for pick-up will be made, usually at noon the following day. Pick-up of the food from our Pantry in downtown Jamaica and delivery to the family is the responsibility of the agency or congregation making the request.

Follow Up . . .

The Queens Federation of Churches is not a social service agency. Our Emergency Food Service is intended as a resource for local churches and social service organizations in Queens. The relationship with the person or family in need remains with the local church or agency

Queens Federation of Churches Last Updated February 2, 2005